Satya Creates

My Substack blog, Satya Creates, provides self-coaching tools, stories, and inspiration to help you live a more authentic, passionate, and satisfying life. 

Satya means “truth” in Sanskrit which inspired me to start this newsletter to share my learnings through my own windy career path, challenging life transitions, and my quest for all of us to live a life more aligned with our inner “truth”. 

I have always been writing in journals since I was a child but started writing online in 2020 in the thick of the pandemic, first on social media and later for blogs. I joined the On Deck Writers Fellowship in 2021 and this newsletter was my capstone project after the 8 week program. Read more about the beginnings of this newsletter in my first issue, The Origin Story of Satya Creates.

I hope to inspire my readers through my writing so that they can live with more life purpose, passion, and fulfillment.